PEHO syndrome: the endpoint of different genetic epilepsiesManali Chitre, Michael S Nahorski, Kaitlin Stouffer, Bryony Dunning-Davies, Hamish Houston, Emma L Wakeling, Angela F Brady, Sameer M Zuberi, Mohnish Suri, Alasdair P J Parker, C Geoffrey Woods
4 October 2018
Multitrait genome association analysis identifies new susceptibility genes for human anthropometric variation in the GCAT cohortIván Galván-Femenía, Mireia Obón-Santacana, David Piñeyro, Marta Guindo-Martinez, Xavier Duran, Anna Carreras, Raquel Pluvinet, Juan Velasco, Laia Ramos, Susanna Aussó, J M Mercader, Lluis Puig, Manuel Perucho, David Torrents, Victor MorenoSee the full list of authors
30 August 2018
Use of zebrafish models to investigate rare human diseaseKathryn Isabel Adamson, Eamonn Sheridan, Andrew James Grierson
31 July 2018
Genetic obesity: next-generation sequencing results of 1230 patients with obesityLotte Kleinendorst, Maarten P G Massink, Mellody I Cooiman, Mesut Savas, Olga H van der Baan-Slootweg, Roosje J Roelants, Ignace C M Janssen, Hanne J Meijers-Heijboer, Nine V A M Knoers, Hans Kristian Ploos van Amstel, Elisabeth F C van Rossum, Erica L T van den Akker, Gijs van Haaften, Bert van der Zwaag, Mieke M van HaelstSee the full list of authors
3 July 2018
Genetics of neuromuscular fetal akinesia in the genomics eraSarah Jane Beecroft, Marcus Lombard, David Mowat, Catriona McLean, Anita Cairns, Mark Davis, Nigel G Laing, Gianina Ravenscroft
29 June 2018
Whole exome sequencing identifies mutations in 10% of patients with familial non-syndromic cleft lip and/or palate in genes mutated in well-known syndromesMirta Basha, Bénédicte Demeer, Nicole Revencu, Raphael Helaers, Stephanie Theys, Sami Bou Saba, Odile Boute, Bernard Devauchelle, Geneviève Francois, Bénédicte Bayet, Miikka Vikkula
2 March 2018
Further delineation of the MECP2 duplication syndrome phenotype in 59 French male patients, with a particular focus on morphological and neurological featuresMarguerite Miguet, Laurence Faivre, Jeanne Amiel, Mathilde Nizon, Renaud Touraine, Fabienne Prieur, Laurent Pasquier, Mathilde Lefebvre, Julien Thevenon, Christèle Dubourg, Sophie Julia, Catherine Sarret, Ganaëlle Remerand, Christine Francannet, Fanny LaffargueSee the full list of authors
4 April 2018
Functional and clinical relevance of novel mutations in a large cohort of patients with Cockayne syndromeNadege Calmels, Elena Botta, Nan Jia, Heather Fawcett, Tiziana Nardo, Yuka Nakazawa, Manuela Lanzafame, Shinichi Moriwaki, Katsuo Sugita, Masaya Kubota, Cathy Obringer, Marie-Aude Spitz, Miria Stefanini, Vincent Laugel, Donata OrioliSee the full list of authors
23 March 2018
Comprehensive analysis of the MLH1 promoter region in 480 patients with colorectal cancer and 1150 controls reveals new variants including one with a heritable constitutional MLH1 epimutationMonika Morak, Ayseguel Ibisler, Gisela Keller, Ellen Jessen, Andreas Laner, Daniela Gonzales-Fassrainer, Melanie Locher, Trisari Massdorf, Anke M Nissen, Anna Benet-Pagès, Elke Holinski-Feder
22 February 2018
Chromosomal rearrangements in the 11p15 imprinted region: 17 new 11p15.5 duplications with associated phenotypes and putative functional consequencesSolveig Heide, Sandra Chantot-Bastaraud, Boris Keren, Madeleine D Harbison, Salah Azzi, Sylvie Rossignol, Caroline Michot, Marilyn Lackmy-Port Lys, Bénédicte Demeer, Claudine Heinrichs, Ron S Newfield, Pierre Sarda, Lionel Van Maldergem, Véronique Trifard, Eloise GiabicaniSee the full list of authors
9 December 2017