Genetic architectures of ADME genes in five Eurasian admixed populations and implications for drug safety and efficacyJing Li, Haiyi Lou, Xiong Yang, Dongsheng Lu, Shilin Li, Li Jin, Xinwei Pan, Wenjun Yang, Manshu Song, Dolikun Mamatyusupu, Shuhua Xu
29 July 2014
Clinical utilisation of a rapid low-pass whole genome sequencing technique for the diagnosis of aneuploidy in human embryos prior to implantationDagan Wells, Kulvinder Kaur, Jamie Grifo, Michael Glassner, Jenny C Taylor, Elpida Fragouli, Santiago Munne
16 July 2014
Involvement of the kinesin family members KIF4A and KIF5C in intellectual disability and synaptic functionMarjolein H Willemsen, Wei Ba, Willemijn M Wissink-Lindhout, Arjan P M de Brouwer, Stefan A Haas, Melanie Bienek, Hao Hu, Lisenka E L M Vissers, Hans van Bokhoven, Vera Kalscheuer, Nael Nadif Kasri, Tjitske Kleefstra
8 May 2014
Diagnostic criteria for constitutional mismatch repair deficiency syndrome: suggestions of the European consortium ‘Care for CMMRD’ (C4CMMRD)Katharina Wimmer, Christian P Kratz, Hans F A Vasen, Olivier Caron, Chrystelle Colas, Natacha Entz-Werle, Anne-Marie Gerdes, Yael Goldberg, Denisa Ilencikova, Martine Muleris, Alex Duval, Noémie Lavoine, Clara Ruiz-Ponte, Irene Slavc, Brigit BurkhardtSee the full list of authors
15 April 2014
Guidelines for surveillance of individuals with constitutional mismatch repair-deficiency proposed by the European Consortium “Care for CMMR-D” (C4CMMR-D)H F A Vasen, Z Ghorbanoghli, F Bourdeaut, O Cabaret, O Caron, A Duval, N Entz-Werle, Y Goldberg, D Ilencikova, C P Kratz, N Lavoine, J Loeffen, F H Menko, M Muleris, G SebilleSee the full list of authors
20 February 2014
Truncating mutations in TAF4B and ZMYND15 causing recessive azoospermiaÖzgecan Ayhan, Mahmut Balkan, Ayse Guven, Renin Hazan, Murat Atar, Atalay Tok, Aslıhan Tolun
15 January 2014
Methyl-CpG-binding protein 2 (MECP2) mutation type is associated with disease severity in Rett syndromeVishnu Anand Cuddapah, Rajesh B Pillai, Kiran V Shekar, Jane B Lane, Kathleen J Motil, Steven A Skinner, Daniel Charles Tarquinio, Daniel G Glaze, Gerald McGwin, Walter E Kaufmann, Alan K Percy, Jeffrey L Neul, Michelle L Olsen
7 January 2014
Fanconi anaemia, BRCA2 mutations and childhood cancer: a developmental perspective from clinical and epidemiological observations with implications for genetic counsellingStefan Meyer, Marc Tischkowitz, Kate Chandler, Alan Gillespie, Jillian M Birch, D Gareth Evans
20 November 2013
Autism traits in the RASopathiesBrigid Adviento, Iris L Corbin, Felicia Widjaja, Guillaume Desachy, Nicole Enrique, Tena Rosser, Susan Risi, Elysa J Marco, Robert L Hendren, Carrie E Bearden, Katherine A Rauen, Lauren A Weiss
7 October 2013
Criteria and prediction models for mismatch repair gene mutations: a reviewAung Ko Win, Robert J MacInnis, James G Dowty, Mark A Jenkins
16 August 2013